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China 's urbanization and the development of security market

Date:2015-10-14 14:04:55


China 's urbanization and the development of security market

[Abstract] 1 percentage points, seemingly insignificant figures behind, for the security industry is also hiding huge business opportunities.

Jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, urban development and environmental research and Social Sciences Academic Press of the urban blue book: China urban development report No.8 "conference in Beijing held. The blue book is expected to put forward, "the national urban population 45" period the rate will be slightly lower than the 1 percentage points. Although the speed of urbanization is no longer possible to reach the early stages of urbanization (that is, "Nine Five", "fifteen", "five eleven" period) of the average annual increase, but still maintained at a high level. Is expected to 2020 China's urbanization rate will be around 60%.

In the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, urban development and environmental research the before to release of China urban development report reported such data: "Ninth Five Year Plan" and "Tenth Five Year" and "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, the national urbanization level annually, improve the 1.44, 1.35 and 1.39 percentage points. During the "Twelfth Five Year" period, the level of urbanization in the country is more than 50%, the speed of urbanization is slowing down, and the average annual increase is reduced to 1.21 percentage points. 2011~2014 years, the level of urbanization increased year by year, followed by 1.32, 1.30, 1.16 and 1.04 percentage points.

Compared with the previous year's data, the growth rate of slightly lower than 1 percentage points, although somewhat lower, but still in the rapid development of urbanization stage. Due to the increase in base and demand growth, will still be a strong impetus to the development of security market.

1 percentage points, seemingly insignificant figures behind, for the security industry is also hiding huge business opportunities. To China's current population to count, 1% is more than 13 million people, more than 1000 million people with food and clothes housing, on all the infrastructure construction, such as housing, transportation and other has a huge demand, the security industry is no exception. Whether the traditional security products or emerging smart home products, are required in the process of urbanization, security companies should seize this market space, and promote the new development of the security industry.

In the process of population urbanization, on the one hand, a large number of young people into the city to work for a living, these people can not afford to buy housing in the city, only in the distance from the city center, a large number of young people choose to live in urban and rural areas. Urban and rural areas in the Ministry of public security situation is relatively poor, the lack of appropriate management system and security is one reason, another reason is the lack of basic security facilities, all kinds of security products are not put in place, which is the security companies should focus on the market gaps. On the other hand, some cities earlier, high income people will live in urban housing, residential, family and other security products have a rigid demand, in addition to surveillance cameras, anti-theft doors, security windows, anti-theft locks, access cards and other traditional security products, in recent years, the fiery smart home products is also a strong demand. Industry experts believe that: with the increase in market consumption and awareness, as well as the promotion of urbanization, not in addition to first tier cities, two or three line city in 5 to 10 years will usher in the rapid growth of smart home market."

With things, cloud computing, big data and other technology development, security, smart city construction has been put on the agenda, intelligent building, intelligent transportation, smart home, intelligent security will become more and more popular and gradually into the ordinary people's home, population town is bound to bring people to the needs of these smart products, promote the development of smart city. From the community point of view, the smart city, including all the community services and the purpose of the project, such as intelligent transportation and intelligent security, including public transport intelligent, intelligent public bicycle and parking lot intelligent, etc.. Rapid population urbanization, the demand for the construction of intelligent transportation, parking lot ten points urgent.

Although the overall level of economic development in urban areas is relatively low, the security market is relatively weak, the user's security awareness is not high, the acceptance of security products is limited, but with the development of new urbanization continues to expand, the user's understanding of security will gradually deepen, and will be more willing to accept the product with higher technology content, responsible for the procurement of goods will not only focus on low quality products. The development of urbanization is a great opportunity for security enterprises, how to open up the market and make the market more and more, which is a new direction of security enterprise development after the city security market is relatively saturated. This paper is provided by Shaanxi Electric Communication Technology Co., ltd.. For more information, please visit:

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