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Your network ready for cloud computing?

Date:2015-10-14 13:58:14


Your network ready for cloud computing?

[abstract] with the modern enterprise network into the public cloud computing era, enterprise network administrators are turning to work with public cloud service providers to ensure that the network can continue to support the business requirements, this means that some IT base surface is changing...

Along with the modern enterprise network into the public cloud computing era, enterprise network administrators are turning to work with public cloud service providers to ensure that the network can continue to support the business requirements, this means that some IT base surface is changing...

First of all, cloud network architecture needs to be more flexible, static network significantly restrict the use of cloud computing. Second, decoupling, network service needs to be from a single physical location for data transmission, calculation and the user interface has been everywhere. Finally, a lot of network resources need to be abstract, let configuration can realize automation and coordination.

New cloud computing network architecture

The reality is that many companies are not prepared to use public or hybrid clouds. Over the years, the enterprise IT department didn't receive the need of the money to upgrade and management infrastructure to support the necessary speed.

In addition, the traditional network static properties of hindering the network administrators to network transfer it to the cloud.

To prepare for cloud computing network requirements include the following:

, the enterprise should be able to protect the specific network in different ways in order to satisfy the requirement of data through the network. In many cases, this requires encryption based on network, at the same time, the network configuration is required, in order to meet the various performance and safety requirements.

, the enterprise should be able to for specific applications and data through the network to provide network priority. If public clouds contain critical business data, the system should have priority access to network resources, including the subsystem of fault tolerance and flexibility.

Enterprise should have application of sensor networks. Private cloud and public cloud and the traditional system of the use of the network in different ways, depending on the application, data, and user interface, how they interact with each other and how to interact with the cloud. For cloud computing, if the network can be used for these mode adjustment, the network must be more effective.

Configuration of network resources

When using cloud computing resources, if the network can be decoupled from the physical resources, network is more effective. This also supports the concept of ubiquitous computing, it is one of the principles of cloud computing. In fact, the machine or visit their users cannot see the location of the service instance, which means that the physical location is not important.

Pervasive computing and support its network focused on eliminating computational complexity and improve efficiency. As a result, access service instance can access any number of different physical location (if allowed), to search for available resources.

For example, can have more than 100 are used to calculate the server instance, running in 12 different data center, connected to the two different data centers run four data server. All of these servers are using the cloud service provider to provide network infrastructure to connect, or they need to be in the same way architecture enterprise infrastructure. Companies must be able to configure the network services to provide the flexibility required to support the ubiquitous cloud computing.

Resource abstraction

The most important change is to be able to through the abstraction layer to manage the network, which means that physical resources don't need to be like in the past. Network professionals can use management and automation tools to bind represent resources logic points set of objects, rather than the widely distributed physical device. The idea here is to hide the complexity of cloud computing brings to the network administrator. Distribution network administrators do not need to manage thousands of servers in the enterprise infrastructure, but to manage the application as a single logical representation, data, etc. By using this method, the enterprise can better manage resources, whether in the internal deployment, up in the air, or both.

Network administrators will find that cloud computing brings additional challenges. But through the planning and more budget, add the cloud resources in the network should be effective to upgrade, can help enterprises to significantly reduce costs and increase flexibility. If your company haven't make the plan of cloud computing, so, now is the time. This paper provided by the shaanxi umc communication technology co., LTD. For more details Please visit:


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